Thursday 24 October 2013

Comment on Review of Ugratara Sanskritik Mahotsav

Here we are sharing a comment from Mrs. SAVITA MISHRA from Patna on the review of "Ugratara Sanskritik Mahotsav 2013" by Dr. Dev N pathak. You may find his review on
Mrs. Mishra is a freelance journalist and was also present during the recent "Shree Ugratara Cultural Festival 2013". She is describing her views and comments on the review which we are sharing in her own language.

The Comment from Mrs. Savita Mishra :

I completely disagree with the view of Dr.Dev N Pathak.First of all when any missionary project is in its initial stage, it should be appreciated rather than criticized with factual error as it hurts seniments of no.of people involved in it. I have been witnessing this State Govt.’s two days prestigious mega event “Shree Ugratara Sanskritik Mahotsav” followed by a national seminar based on Mandan-Bharti and Mithila Sanskriti since its inception in 2012.

The joy and happiness of thousands of people have been felt as such type of grand event of entertainment n enlightenment is observed first time in the remote area of Mahishi. In fact, for them it is like A Oasis in The Desert. That's why seeing the popularity of the Mahotsav this year the involvement of locals, volunteers and media have increased manifold. It deserves much more appreciation as not only it represents the rich culture of this region but also provides a very good platform for so many hidden, outstanding talents.
I must say the crowd here was the best ever as I have noticed so far as it has been seen and read that whenever there is such programme in open space it goes most of the time uncontrollable. Chairs have been thrown n whistles have been blown not even in district headquarters, small towns but even in state capitals and administration becomes almost helpless to control it. Sometimes it has to be stopped in midway. But in this highly prestigious event right from a five year old child to 80 year old man and woman after finishing their dinner came out from their houses from miles and watched lovingly, enjoyed each and every performance till 4 a.m.What does it show?
The success of any event is the happiness of the classes not of the masses .Hats off to the Distt. Administraion, the volunteers, the Ugratara Trust members, the young local co-ordinators who perfectly n peacefully managed this mega event. The audience enjoyed the national n famous singers like Kalpana Patowari and Malini Awasthy as well as artists of popular programme GAAM-GHAR of Akashwani Darbhanga spreading Mithila Culture. Also superb presentation by the local talents like Sama- chakeva and bhagwati based dances etc.
So truely it shows the success of a mission started last year by the Honorable Chief Minister Mr. Nitish Kumar on the request of vice- President of Ugratara Trust during his Seva Yatrain Mahishi in 2011.
Instead of displaying picture of muddy field of the venue ,Dr. Pathak you should please acknowledge that despite the heavy rains from couple of days couldn’t dampen the spirit of organizers and regarding corruption ,I should say that the fund is directly released by the State Govt. to the Distt. administration and not to the trust. And this fund is actually not sufficient for this mega event to preserve the rich cultural heritage. In fact there is a move to raise the fund from next year onward as said by organigers. So it is very sad to say that Mr.Pathak is quite unaware of the hard work and selfless dedication of Distt. Administration ,trust members n intelligentia.

Last year i have been so much touched by the fact that in a enthusiastic mood ,some of Govt officers donated money for tiles flooring in front of Maa Ugratara Mandir for the beautification and the work was done overnight.
I have witnessed the talks by the people over there .Also for your kind information the Trust members have not taken a single penny of the fund and their entire expenditure are being managed by their own pocket.  The mission of preserving the glorious past of the Mahishi was very much praised by the HOD English deptt.,Mithila University ,Mrs. Indira Jha in the seminar and she even desired such programme in the other part of the state. She has  chosen her speech in Maithili instead of English. So maithili culture is very much preserved here and don’t ruined.
In my opinion freedom of expression is right of everyone whether it is in any language. Yes it should be of common mass. Dr. Pathak has himself self written a article in English language in the second edition of souvenir  DHAROHAR. Will you please tell me how many common people will go through this? But it does not mean that you are against the MAITHILI culture. Yes I do agree that on the inaugural days local leaders tried to use this prestigious occasion for their political benefits but it is not a big thing. It can be controlled from next year.

But overall “Shree Ugratara Cultural Mahatosav” fulfilled its aim and was a grand success. One of the noted speakers of the seminar of both the seasons, Divisional Commandant, Patna,Mr.Tejnarayan Kherwar has told that the success rate of the seminar has increased by 100% this year.


Dev Nath Pathak said...

Thanks for your kind comment Ms. Mishra. However I notice two things in your reaction: one is emotional blindness and the other is conceptual poverty. Emotional blindness because you are unable to understand the importance of an empathetic cultural criticism. Able folks, like yourself, have thus been accomplices in the decay of a cultural body. Any cultural body at any turn of civilization NEEDS a lot of critiques. Without that thorough and consistent critique the cultural body perishes, and only scavengers (birds as well as some humans who have vested interests) feed themselves on the remains of the perished body. It is shown in the history of human civilization (pick up any book and you will understand it). Secondly, your conceptual poverty is glaring as you seem to find an equivalence between ‘crowd’ and success. Crowd does not ensure success, neither in democracy nor in a cultural festival. A pathetic popular program can pull maximum crowd; should we considered successful for the cultural festival? You need to pick up another kind of book which will help you understand the significance of a vision/philosophy in the backdrop of ‘success’. Without such vision success is like a whore, as said A K Ramanujan in one of his insightful lectures.

My critique is, if you read the article with an eye for nuances, for the pink of cultural body and not for the tarnished grey. If you can’t get it, I can only pity you.

Dev Nath Pathak said...

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